1. 亚伯拉罕·路易斯·鲁道夫·杜克罗斯(Abraham Louis Rodolphe Ducros)在尼科洛西(Nicolosi)附近的圣尼科洛(San Nicolo)d’Arena)修道院观看蒙托·罗索(Monto Rosso) 高清作品[100%]

Gezicht op de Monto <em>Rosso</em> bij het klooster San Nicolo dArena dichtbij de plaats Nicolosi-

图片文件尺寸 : 4302 x 2764px

亚伯拉罕·路易斯·鲁道夫·杜克罗斯(Abraham Louis Rodolphe Ducros)在尼科洛西(Nicolosi)附近的圣尼科洛(San Nicolo)d’Arena)修道院观看蒙托·罗索(Monto Rosso)-Abraham-Louis-Rodolphe Ducros

Gezicht op de Monto Rosso bij het klooster San Nicolo dArena dichtbij de plaats Nicolosi--Abraham-Louis-Rodolphe Ducros (瑞士, 1748–1810)

下载亚伯拉罕·路易斯·鲁道夫·杜克罗斯(Abraham Louis Rodolphe Ducros)在尼科洛西(Nicolosi)附近的圣尼科洛(San Nicolo)d’Arena)修道院观看蒙托·罗索(Monto Rosso)大图

10. 乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·纳尔迪尼(Giovanni Battista Naldini)的《愤怒的人物》,源自罗索·佛罗伦萨 高清作品[72%]

Figure of Fury, after <em>Rosso</em> Fiorentino-

图片文件尺寸 : 2510 x 3707px

乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·纳尔迪尼(Giovanni Battista Naldini)的《愤怒的人物》,源自罗索·佛罗伦萨-Giovanni Battista Naldini

Figure of Fury, after Rosso Fiorentino--Giovanni Battista Naldini (意大利, 1535-1591)

下载乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·纳尔迪尼(Giovanni Battista Naldini)的《愤怒的人物》,源自罗索·佛罗伦萨大图

11. 罗索·佛罗伦萨的《圣母救世寓言》、《圣伊丽莎白》、《年轻的施洗者圣约翰》和《两个天使》 高清作品[69%]

Allegory of Salvation with the Virgin and Christ Child, St. Elizabeth, the Young St. John the Baptist and Two Angels-

图片文件尺寸 : 3239 x 4376px

罗索·佛罗伦萨的《圣母救世寓言》、《圣伊丽莎白》、《年轻的施洗者圣约翰》和《两个天使》-Rosso Fiorentino

Allegory of Salvation with the Virgin and Christ Child, St. Elizabeth, the Young St. John the Baptist and Two Angels--Rosso Fiorentino (意大利, 1494 - 1540)


13. 非洲玄武岩 高清作品[63%]

DO-Afro Basaldella  - 现代艺术 I
图片文件像素:5472 x 4403 px


Afro Basaldella * - Zeitgenössische Kunst I-

(Udine 1912–1976 Zurich)
Untitled, (Project for Grande Rosso), c. 1963, mixed media (oil, tempera, collage, lithographic ink) on paper laid down on canvas, 51.5 x 109 cm, framed

This work is registered in the Archivio Afro, Rome and is accompanied by a photo certificate of authenticity

European Private Collection

Udine, Nel segno di Afro, Galleria del Monte, 1995
Udine, Arte Udine, Galleria del Monte, April 1999, exh. cat. with ill.
Bologna, Vedova e l’informale veneto: Santomaso, Afro e Tancredi, Galleria 56, 2015, ill. on the cover

This is one of the projects for the famous work Il Grande Rosso of 1963: the artist intervenes with tempera and collage on the lithographic base in order to arrive to the final composition
